Benefits of Having a New Boiler Installed

Your boiler may be on the blink and you’ve possibly delayed considering a new one for some time. This could be for a variety of different reasons, such as a lack of budget, lack of knowledge or perhaps you’re just terrified of the prospect of putting yourself through it. What with the chaos and upheaval it brings and the thought that it might not work as well as the previous boiler, which you’ve become accustomed to over the years, it’s enough to put you off.

New boiler installation doesn’t have to be a bad experience.

Today, we’re going to allay some of those fears with our post on the benefits of having a new boiler installed. One of the main advantages of having a new one is that the technology has improved considerably in the intervening years since you last had one. This means you get a far better performance from your boiler and its much kinder to the environment and your pocket. 

A new boiler fitting can be a blessing and help you to save money in the long-term.

Boilers today are mostly condensing boilers; they can utilise the heat it produces using a non-condensing method. They’re far more efficient than ones that have gone before and you are sure to save on energy bills as a result. You’ll also find that all boilers in the UK are given an efficiency rate, this is part of the SEDBUK and this stands for Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers. It goes from A (which is good) to G which is bad. If your boiler provides good efficiency levels, then it will be rated accordingly, and you will see this on your boiler. 

If your current boiler is very old, then it’s likely that it won’t have these same technological innovations and won’t operate anywhere near as efficiently. 

Moving from an old to a new boiler shouldn’t to be a painful experience.

Moving over doesn’t have to be quite the headache you think it’s going to be either. An A rated boiler will last longer and be easy to find parts for because it’s so new, although it’s unlikely that a new boiler will go wrong very often. Your heating bills should help you to save money as well due to your new boiler’s energy efficiency.

An initial investment followed by savings on energy bills.

Yes, we realise that replacing your boiler will involve an initial investment on your part, but you will get a return on that investment over time. If you also have a heating control and a thermostat you will have much more control over your heating. It’ll mean you can make sure that once your room reaches the right temperature, it’ll automatically switch off.

Need a new boiler fitting – come to Bryan Morris Heating.

Let us carry out your new boiler installation and a great new affordable way to heat your home. Don’t let your old boiler stop you from experiencing a much-improved heating source because you’re too afraid to change over, when it comes to heating your home, you don’t have to tolerate inefficiency. Have a new boiler and let Bryan Morris Heating install it for you. Why not get in touch to discuss your needs and one of our team will be more than happy to talk with you.

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